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Memorial Donation

Instead of flowers or wreaths, many deceased or surviving loved ones wish to donate to a charitable, local organization.

The foundation, established in 2002, aims to keep the memory of Carl Gustav Jung and his wife and collaborator Emma Jung-Rauschenbach alive.

The C.G. Jung Küsnacht Foundation operates the Museum Haus C.G. Jung on the shores of Lake Zurich. It also maintains the landmarked estate and the associated gardens.

Should you wish to consider the C.G. Jung Küsnacht Foundation, you have the following options:

Remark on the obituary

At the request of the deceased or the surviving relatives, flowers may be omitted and instead, the C.G. Jung Küsnacht Foundation may be remembered. With your funeral donation, you support the continuation of our museum operations as well as the preservation of the landmarked property.

To comply with your request, please proceed as follows:

  1. Determine the designated use.

  2. Notify us of the name of the deceased person and the address of the bereaved family by e-mail or telephone.

  3. Note our donation account and IBAN in the obituary as shown in the following examples:

«Instead of flowers, please remember the deceased with a donation to the Foundation C.G. Jung Küsnacht. Donation account SWIFT/BIC: RAHNCHZZ, IBAN: CH18 0877 9001 2500 1805 6, note: Heidi Muster»
«In the spirit of the deceased, please support the Foundation C. G. Jung via the donation account SWIFT/BIC: RAHNCHZZ, IBAN: CH18 0877 9001 2500 1805 6, note: Hans Muster»

We personally thank the donor for each funeral donation received. The bereaved family regularly receives a list of the people who have donated in memory of the deceased person. This gives you the opportunity to say thank you.

Donation in Remembrance

Donate in the name of the deceased person. You have two options for doing this:

  • Transfer your condolence donation via bank transfer.
    Add the first and last name of the deceased person to the reason for payment.

  • Donate easily and discreetly online via our website and leave the first and last name of the deceased person in the comment field.


Donate in memory - uncomplicated and discreet via our website.

Donate now

Collection at funeral service

Perhaps you would like to aid the C.G. Jung Küsnacht Foundation with the collection at the funeral service. Please discuss your wish with the responsible parish. After the funeral, the church administration can transfer the collected amount to our donation account SWIFT/BIC: RAHNCHZZ, IBAN: CH18 0877 9001 2500 1805 6 with the note of the death and the address of the bereaved family.
This will allow us to thank you for the donation.

Example notification field/payment purpose:
Death of Hans Muster, 9454 Musterstadt
Mourning address: Heidi Muster, Musterstrasse 17, 9466 Müsterlingen


If you have any questions regarding your donation, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Sandra Hügli Jost
Foundation Manager
044 508 36 00